Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why stretch?

This has happened to almost everyone who has run for a while: You’re pushing against a wall or car or other big, immovable object, with one leg bending toward the object, the other behind it and straight. Invariably, someone comes along and says, “Need help holding it up?”
Ha, ha. What these people often don’t know is that you’re doing one of the classic runner stretches, the wall push-up. It might look funny, but it sure does a great job of stretching your Achilles tendons and calves, which can get sore and tight with running. As you probably know, those aren’t the only parts of your body that can get sore and tight from running. In this blog section, I’ll show you how to stretch to increase your flexibility throughout your body so that you can run with more efficiency and fewer injuries. I’ll also let you in on a related secret that has helped to keep me on the road for so many years.

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