Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lose the Fat

Everyone knows that it’s bad to be overweight. Obese people (people who weigh at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight) are three times as likely as people of normal weight to develop high blood pressure and five times as likely to develop diabetes. Some doctors claim that obesity causes more than 300,000 early deaths a year in the United States. Look around the next time you’re at a mall or an airport, where you can see a good cross-section of Americans, and you’ll see that this problem is getting worse, not better, despite the fitness boom of the last 20 years. Nearly 60 million Americans are obese—almost one in four!

You don’t have to be obese to have a reason to shed some pounds, however. By some measures, more than half of all Americans carry too much weight. Even though these people are not obese, they’re still placing additional stress on their hearts, bones, and joints. Maybe you have an extra 10 pounds that seems to have tacked itself on to your middle sometime in the last few years. What you want to know is whether running can help you to trim down. The short answer is: Of course it can.

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