Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dollars and Sense

Almost all runners can find shoes that suit their needs for $85 or less. If you’re a beginner, I don’t think you should spend more than that because you’re probably still learning what type of shoe you need. You’ll be less likely to be honest about abandoning a model that doesn’t work for you if you’ve just plunked down several days’ pay for it.
At the other end of the scale, unless you can find discontinued models on sale, try not to spend less than $60. I know that the dollars can add up fast if you’re only getting 400 miles out of a pair of shoes. But shoes that retail for less than $60 are often cheaply made, without enough support and cushioning. They’re made in mass quantities out of inferior materials and are dumped on unsuspecting shoppers in megastores. They can lead to injury, and, well, they just don’t feel as good as “real” running shoes. Isn’t staying injury-free and enjoying your running worth that extra $10 a few times a year?

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