Saturday, May 3, 2008

For More Information About Running Shoes

Other runners are your best source of information on specific models. Runners can get pretty darned opinionated about their shoes, so sometimes you have to take their shoe advice with the proverbial grain of salt. But don’t be afraid to ask other runners about which shoes have worked best for them (bearing in mind that they might have different needs than you). If a lot of runners tell you that they don’t like a certain shoe, avoid it. Not heeding that advice is like ignoring a group of car owners who all tell you how their transmission went after only 15,000 miles on a certain model. The two national running magazines, Runner’s World and Running Times, do shoe reviews twice a year in the March and September issues. These reviews coincide with when most new models are released. The reviews do a good job of telling you which of the new models might be right for you.

One note of caution: Although the shoes in these reviews have been tested by the people writing the reviews, the authors usually don’t have enough time before their deadlines to run more than 100 miles in any model. As with a car, it’s often how a shoe holds up in the long run that determines how happy you are with it. So if you hear rumblings about a shoe from other runners that disagree with what the reviews say, listen to the runners. They’ll likely be speaking from past the 100-mile mark.

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