Friday, January 30, 2009

In-line Skating and Running

I must admit it would take a lot to get me to put on a pair of in-line skates, but that’s more because of my love of running and utter lack of coordination than any inherent problem with the activity. Certainly, the ever-growing number of skaters get something out of doing it.
Studies have shown that a similar effort between in-line skating and running requires you to skate twice as fast as you run. As with cycling, it’s important to be mindful of your effort. Otherwise, you might find yourself coasting and not getting as good of a workout. But if you stay on top of your effort and have done it enough so that you don’t spend all of your time picking yourself off the ground, in-line skating can give you a good workout in a concentrated time, as does running, but without the pounding.

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